Friday, May 27, 2011

31 Random Observations

        1. If you live long enough, you die. Some folks live long enough sooner than others.
        2. Jesus saves. His bride consumes.
        3. When you know that you are right, get a reality check.
        4. Life happens. Then you move on. Deal with it.
        5. A lot of folks want a freedom advocate, but they don’t want freedom.
        6. A terrorist is a supercriminal against whom others justify superpenalties; these penalties are then available to impose upon you
        7. The law is the genitalia of the state. The state rapes through the law. The state births death through the law. A constitution is a compromised condom.
        8. Everything against the State. Everything outside the State. Nothing in the State.
        9. Does not matter if a collectivist is ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’; a wet dream is a wet dream no matter who is dreaming it.
        10. When folks talk about paying a debt to society, they never mention the vig…
        11. I think prayer and masturbation are both better done in private, unless with somebody to whom you are really close. Children can figure out how to do either or both on their own.
        12. Truth passes through four stages: unheard or ignored, ridiculed, violently opposed, accepted as being self-evident
        13. Voting for the best of a bad lot is like praising the gentlest rapist. The best of a bad lot is still bad...
        14. When you don't try then you won't fly.
        15. Law is an instrument enabling some folks to assault other folks in the name of advancing 'common good'. Government folks are gang-members who steal from folks to pay for assault by the first against the second. Folks who enforce laws use up-to-lethal force to compel obedience. If you have other-than-permitted property, enforcers will cite you. If you refuse to pay or comply, enforcers may attempt to arrest you. If you resist, enforcers may kill you. Animals can be property. I will not knowingly do business with owners who abuse their critters. Neither will I compel such folks to treat their critters to my satisfaction. Some folks believe that they can resolve their social concerns through the use of gangs. They move to areas that don't have much regulation and try to impose their opinions (enforced through up-to-lethal force) on other residents.
        16. The body covered leaves memory when scat is all that viewers see
        17. Politics resembles poker in that both are games of skill whose players lie and cheat to try to convince everybody else that they have the best hands.
        18. Folks vote for lies hoping that they are true and that voters will benefit. When the lies result in misery, the voters vote for some other lies.
        19. Know now what you will do then
           Keep from most that you know anything about anything
           Get supplies from the other guys.
        20. I try to tie a knot on a rope before I lay a hand on it, enabling me to hang on if I ever get to its end..
        21. Propaganda is information folks use to promote objectives
        22. Compromised communication creates concern; clear communication creates collaboration.
        23. noted.....I am too intellectually insolvent to comprehend your understanding, and to intelligently interact with you....sorry, you are outside my pay grade....
        24. Aren't these fools guys who never lose sight of the number one goal:
           Go home to your loved ones at the end of your shift.
               and kill folks who get in your way......
               and beat your wife.....
    and take pictures of your own kids and use the pictures for target practice....
               and lock your dog in a car so it dies from heat exhaustion....
           or what?
        25.   wow.....I have real estate with a bridge for any lucky buyers who buy the goods these guys are selling......
        26.  I vote within non-coercive environments such as Lions Club, or fraternity, or local town council, for candidates and issues.

    I vote at county and state environments on issues and bonds....

    I vote not at all at federal environments.....

    there are no bad folks running for coercivist office
    there are no good folks running for coercivist office
    there are just vermin

    voting for the most benign vermin is still voting for vermin. 
        27.  Patriotism is a form of collectivism based on a fallacy that geography defines character. Collectivism is a form of stupidity and moral laziness. Stupidity is a refusal to think. Moral laziness is support for hateful action against a person in the name of love for a nonentity.
        28.  Progressives are folks who think that using a structure that empowers folks to steal from folks to finance assault by folks against folks, is the proper way to address their own discomfort at other folks' behaviour on real estate to which the uncomfortable folks have no individual claim. Progressives ascribe to this structure superior social status over that of individuals. Most folks call this structure government.
           Punitive progressives think that folks are evil and that the structure empowers some folks to punish, through using up to lethal force, other folks for being human, that is, for being evil. These progressives, (and other folks) call them(selves) conservatives.
           Palliative progressives think that folks are good and that the structure empowers some folks to punish, through using up to lethal force, other folks for being human, that is, for not being good enough. These progressives, (and other folks) call them(selves) liberals.
           Socialism is a method that folks use to manage folks behaviour through reward and retribution. It is based an illusion that a structure manages anything, or that a few power-lusting folks are smart enough to manage most other folks.
           Socialism is just a way to advance progressives' objectives:
               The subjugation of many and the death of others.
        29.  there are copsuckers and cops who intone BlueLivesMatter....and   sucks to be anybody but a cop
     there are niggersuckers and niggers who screech       BlackLivesMatter.....and sucks to be nobody but a nigger....
     and then there is me: my life matters; your life matters; too bad about the other folks
        30.  why can't folks blame a belief system? folks can blame any thing they want to blame.... reality is that individuals are individually responsible for their own acts. when folks use belief in a faith-based ideology to excuse their behaviour, they are just trying to evade the responsibility that they bear for their actions. I don't care what you believe, I only care what you do..…
        31. Currently, US society is a police society on the way to being a cop society. Within the former, civilians direct cops through civilian-originated mandates. Cop-originated mandates characterise the latter.
           Later on, US society will devolve into a prison society, managed by folks who lust to control most other folks.
           At some point US society will degrade into a death-camp society when folks running a US prison society realise that there are insufficient resources to continue as a prison society.
        32.  Little details make perpetual improvement to un-usability inevitable.
        33. I see folks whining, about racism, and about whining about racism. I'm a real racist. I'm so glad to be a being who is part of the human race. I'd rather be human than any other race of created beings.
        34. If paramilitary predators commit suicide, they cannot be enforcers of health departments mandates. Dead, they won't be out harassing, arresting, or beating people for not staying six feet away from one another or for not wearing masks.
        35. creator made stupid people. some of us wised up in spite of our origins.
       36. I think that generally, most paramilitary predators can do best by putting themselves to sleep on Mother's Day. Actually, any day will do. So far, only 92 have done best this year, according to folks at  That is a start.


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